Now, pick your jaw up off the real surprises--it's our new Rotary Exchange Student, Konstantine, who has come to spend a year at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville. More on K later, but suffice to say that he's German, he plays the piano--very, very well, I might add-- and...well, he's just all around FABULOUS!
We have begun the college application process for Boy. Ayeayeaye...what paperwork. More on THAT later as well.
But to appease, here are just a few of many pics of the family trip to Great Britain...
And we found out Girl has incredibly strong arms...
California cousin, the Sommelier, surprised us all be being able to come with us after all-
Daughter and Daddy danced alot...
And Boy's godfather arranged for us to have a private capsule and champagne on the London Eye...three bottles in 30 minutes!
More mirth and merriment to follow!!!!