Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Catchup News and Pics

Well, I know I am remiss in posting- things have taken awhile around Maison Cou Rouge to get back to normal. While doing piles and piles of laundry- my new son arrived!!

Now, pick your jaw up off the ground...no real surprises--it's our new Rotary Exchange Student, Konstantine, who has come to spend a year at Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville. More on K later, but suffice to say that he's German, he plays the piano--very, very well, I might add-- and...well, he's just all around FABULOUS!

We have begun the college application process for Boy. Ayeayeaye...what paperwork. More on THAT later as well.
But to appease, here are just a few of many pics of the family trip to Great Britain...

The teenaged cousins often found things a bit puzzling...

Grumpy Guy and Girl spent an afternoon exploring the sport of falconry-
And we found out Girl has incredibly strong arms...

California cousin, the Sommelier, surprised us all be being able to come with us after all-
Daughter and Daddy danced alot...
And Boy's godfather arranged for us to have a private capsule and champagne on the London Eye...three bottles in 30 minutes!
More mirth and merriment to follow!!!!