I've been crazy possessed, trying to get Christmas loose ends tied up before the chicks come to roost for the holidays!

I finally got Christmas cards and packages mailed not 30 minutes ago, and now I can begin to get the house ready for SANTA!!!!
On the academic front, Alix sitting the second of six exams as I type. Two tomorrow and two on Friday.
AJ has one exam- French- left. The fact that the subject matter of two of his three finished exams dealt with astrophysics and quantum mechanics makes my head hurt. I can barely spell them.
Wesley, that rat, has been off since Thanksgiving. Quarter system at Georgia Military College. This has not ceased to rankle Alix as she researched and wrote papers on stem cell research and Alice-in-Wonderland Syndrome (yes, a real disease).
And Anna-Grace....well, Anna-Grace is an official GRADUATE of the University of Georgia!! And she has a job!!!!! And she's researching Master's programs. Don'tcha think there's a little bit of overachieving in that couple?????
The tree is up.

Yes, Alix and I hunted it at "The Flower Garden", brought it home, trimmed the bottom and set it up in its stand together!! No fuss, no muss and no CURSING!!! Wesley did the lights and I did the ribbons. That's as far as we have gotten. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Alix also insisted on a mini kitchen tree--yes....a pink tinsel mini tree, with pink, purple, silver and white ornaments.

Oh, STOP THAT!! It's Christmas.