Are you sick to death of nuthin' but photos??? Wonder if I have lost my ability to type?
Me, too. I've been busy.
It's been a mad rush since I got back from the South China Sea in March. Home updates, prom, trip to Louisiana for Holiday-in-Dixie Cotillion, and much much more. I will try to be better about updating, but not until AFTER next week.
The Guild of Washington County is having our end-of-the-year Social at the president's house...and who is the 2011-2012 president, you might ask....ME!!! So I am madly returning the sewing room back into its original purpose--a dining room, cleaning the baseboards of years of dust
rhinos bunnies, and generally making it a place that the Centers for Disease Control will not condemn.
So hang on, dear readers, everywhere...a whole lotta writing and photos will be winging your way in just about 10 days.
Still to tell you....
World Cruise 2012
Alix's Prom 2012
Cotillion 2012
(sensing a theme here???)
And occurring soon....
A visit to Maison-Cou-Rouge from CruiseGran
Alix's High School Graduation
2012 Summer Family Cruise
So sit tight--loads of info to follow!!!!