Well, today's blog post is coming to you from the dining room of Maison Cou Rouge West--more commonly known as CruiseGran's Shreveport house. I don't have high-speed internet yet...that comes (Comcast and the Internet Gods willing) on Tuesday, and for now it's all via the iPhone's hotspot. But as my good and faithful readers have been subject to my
vomiting my emotions all over my keyboard sharing my emotions, thoughts and feelings of the past month, I decided it was high time for an update to the Summer Family Cruise.
No applause necessary.
Well, back to June. After sailing through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, simultaneously shouting "hello" to both Europe and Asia, we headed into the Black Sea for a week's work of visiting. First stop, Yalta.
How lucky we were to find a party waiting to happen!
Ok, I was excited to see Yalta. After all, Yalta was the location of Her Imperial Majesty, Empress Alexandra of Russia's favorite palace, Livadia. But first, it was a stop at the memorial to the victims and heros of World War II.
(My, we are a good looking bunch, aren't we??
The thoughtful and caring crew of
Crystal Cruises had arranged for us to place memorial flowers next the the eternal flame.
And then it was off to
My Alix at Empress Alix's.
(Nope--the name's not coincidental. I named Alix in honour of her.)
Then Alix returned the favor.
Beautiful details at the main entrance.
Most people are more familiar with the Livadia Palace than they realize. It was the sight of the famous meeting of Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill in 1945 that has become known in history as the
Yalta Conference.
Here is the large meeting table still on view.
My favorite spot, however, was the Italian Courtyard.
It sounds hokey, but I loved thinking that I was walking in the very spot that Empress Alexandra had walked100 years earlier.
I was able to get up close to a few Romanov family photos....
Empress Alexandra was considered one of the great beauties of her day. An example---
She had a nice "front porch".....
Even the weeds were pretty.
I would have loved to stay at Livadia all day, but we had other sites to see. We visited the diminutive
Swallow's Nest Castle, perched precariously high above the sea.
And then we visited the beautiful St. Mikhail's Church.
It was a brief trip, but so rewarding. Back at the ship, the clouds rolled in briefly, giving me the chance to catch some sunrays.
Hutch was all smiles.
And at the other end of the "bowling alley", Suzanne caught us up on THEIR day, while Bill shared (or rather BEGGED) our next-door neighbor to share some --um--
interesting Crimean wine...
And, as we sailed away, the public beach seemed to be the happening place.
Another great port--another great day!!!!!