Wednesday, February 26, 2014

South Pacific Cruise-Tahiti

My mother had a brilliant plan.

Her birthday is in January, and what better way to escape the cold dreary winter in Louisiana then going on a cruise of the South Pacific for her birthday?

And who am I to say no?

Now some of you may have realized that I don't exactly have the typical beach babe body. But for the first time in my life, I did not let this stop me. I slathered on the sunscreen, draped towels around me, and had a fabulous time. I went into the woods, I hung out on wet beaches (in the a thunderstorm), snorkeled, trekked, and pushed my comfort envelope.

And it was fun.

So in the middle of January, we hopped on a plane (well, planes), and after a nice night's sleep, found ourselves on the island of Tahiti.

No matter how many pictures that one sees, it doesn't prepare you for the real beauty of the water in the South Pacific. (Funny thing is, in this first group of pictures, I don't seem to have any pictures of the water.)

Here's the view from our room at the Hotel Intercontinental.

One lounges a lot in Tahiti.

Have you ever seen such clams? This is photographed through about a meter of water.


Our first full day there, I took a trek into the interior of Tahiti. Far away from the beaches.

Tahiti was formed by volcanoes. As a result, there are magnificently sculpted peaks in the very center of the island.

And lots of waterfalls.

The roads are really rough getting into the interior.

Look at the size of these elephant ears.

And giant ferns.

Yes our little group even went for a swim...

Proof positive that I swam in river water.  YES, I swam in something other than a "cement pond"!!!!!!

Pretty impressive, huh?

Alix's Demoiselle Ball

Well howdy! I know it's been a while… But I've been off on a trip with Jane a.k.a. CruiseGran. I have lots of wonderful pictures to share of the South Pacific, but first I wanted to share pictures from the end of December.

As you may know, Alix spent part of this past summer doing the "debutante" thing. She had a lot of fun, made a lot of friends, and thoroughly enjoyed her summer spent in Shreveport. 

I finally neatened up the pictures from the ball in December and I thought I'd share them with you.


Here's a look at the girls this summer.

 Alix making her entrance into society (gigglesnort)  with the help of her uncle Ed.
(Yes, her hair color changes almost as often as her major.  She's back to brunette.)

Although I know Uncle Ed was not real thrilled with the idea of doing this,  he pulled it out with great aplomb.

 We applauded mightily when she walked by our table for the first time.

Relieved to let Austin take over.

 I keep wanting to sing a Patty Duke Show-esque theme song..."They're Cousins...(almost) Identical Cousins......."

 I'm so glad Eliot was able to be here for Alix's big night.  I love this pic of them.

 What lovely ladies!

 Love this pic!

The whole gang's here! Yes that's even (most of) the California crowd!   It was really sweet of them to come all that way for Alix's special evening.  

My baby girl.  All grown up.  I think I'm justified in saying what a beautiful lady she has become. 


And the best thing of all-she's even lovelier on the inside.

I am so proud to be her mother.