Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I was warned back in August of 2011 that my youngest child's senior year in high school would be the fastest year of my life.  And it was.  Suddenly, it was the end of May, and Graduation Day!!!

Diplomas waiting.

Faculty and class ready to go.

Head of School, Jackie Holton.

Two of Alix's favorite teachers, Mrs. Upton and Dr. Emmons.

Valedictorian Morgan Cook ready to lead the class to their seats.

One Happy Girl.

As Salutatorian, Alix gave the Invocation.  It was beautiful.....very moving, and very Alix.

Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Cliff Sheppard, pronounces the class as  graduates.

My thanks to Wesley for taking control of my camera!!!!!

In my never-to-be-humble opinion, Alan and I did a good job!

Always a few tears.

My girls.

Couldn't be more proud of Alix.

What an awesome godfather Bruce has been to BOTH my kids!

Got my camera back to take a photo of the happy couple.

In the now-famous "frat boy-sorority girl" pose.

Alix's graduation makes Dustin a SENIOR!!!!!

Anna-Grace and her beautiful mother, Sharon.

Next big event--WEDDING!!


And a special present from Wesley's brother Will.

Yes, Alix Pryor....your mother loves you VERY much and is SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!

Three silly photos

I saw this cute dragonfly hanging out in the vegetable garden at Magnolia Plantation.

I thought Husk  had the most INTERESTING centerpieces on the table.

Yes, I know it's an alligator, but I now know why "they" call it a Crocodile Smile.

Magnolia Plantation and Drayton Hall

We ventured out just a bit on Friday night to Magnolia Plantation but missed the last house tour.  We took in some of the grounds, though.

We could not get the peacocks to come over to us.

They were chatting us up a storm though...they especially liked Frances calling to them!

The vegetable gardens behind the slave quarters.

On Saturday, after we dropped Evie at the airport, we headed back out to Drayton Hall.

The Privy.

The river view.


Yes, there are a few alligators in the front pond.

The servants' staircase.

A spectacular view from the second floor to the river.

Charleston Plantings

There are so many beautiful landscapes to see in Charleston.  Everywhere you turn, there is another beautiful tidbit.

I fell in love with the textures of these large pots filled with dwarf magnolia and potato vine.

The window boxes!  I could make a whole book on the windowboxes of Charleston!

At Husk, the courtyard fountain was used in a most unusual way.

Old homes in restoration.

A little repair work is in order?

I would love to know the reason for this architecture....

The palmettos!

This is my idea of the PERFECT home! A restored carriage house.

A magnolia center falling apart.

Low Tide.

Old homes.

Definitely time for a gutter cleaning!