Maybe just pics with captions would suffice at this point, but we had a FABULOUS few days and can't wait to get together again!!!

Second Floor shot of the gang

Few are allowed on the "Kitchen side" on Thanksgiving morning

The hands of a master cornbread dressing maker

The cornbread dressing maker-aka the math prof

The Clemson Senior niece

It would not be a family gathering without something breaking-in this case, the handle on the refrigerator. Note all the "chiefs" supervising.

"Aunt Peter Pan" and the CT Nephew and the NY Niece

These two married in---no they are not related by blood! One married a sister, one married a niece

More family--the tall one in the back is Washington Niece's boyfriend. Can you believe he was brave enough to meet us all at once?

Big Brother and Little Brother carving two turkeys simultaneously

Happiest great-niece around

Multiple cooks-multiple opinions

Little Sis-the hostess with the mostest

'Da Cop and 'da Baby

Artist Niece in from LA- yes, she actually makes a living painting pictures and selling them!

Some teens can sleep through anything--even THIS family!!!