So many changes around Maison Cou Rouge since the finishing of my EP365.
Let's get the biggie out of the way. In the marital status column, I will soon be switching my check mark from "M" to "D". If you want more details, send me an email. I'm not shy about sharing gory details, just don't see the need to do it publicly.
I contributed to the economy on Black Friday (for the first and last time!) and so Maison Cou Rouge has a new TV.
AJ and Alix are happy as hogs-in-slop.
When last we visited my bathroom, it looked like this....
Now it looks like THIS.....
Almost finished. Just waiting on the shower door to be delivered and installed.
I am thrilled. SO thrilled, in fact, that I am getting out my sewing machine and my circular saw, charging up my cordless drill, opening my decorating and scenic construction books, and preparing for a Maison Cou Rouge mini-facelift. Alix and I are giving the house a sophisticated-girly-sorority house vibe for her senior year. Testosterone only allowed on invitation. Cabana boy applications currently being accepted.
I got a FANTASTIC new coffee maker... (last month, BEFORE Keurig started advertising EVERYWHERE!)
THANKS for showing me the ropes, darling friend Nancy!
I have a new "old" bed....
(it was my great-great-great Aunt Nene's bed. My grandmother used it...and I remember sharing it with her many nights when I was little. Alix had it, but has decided to go for the "oriental-college" look. the STBX* took the king-sized Tempurpedic.)
However, it is not ALL change here at Maison Cou Rouge. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Mt. Washmore remains.
Chip is still all chocolate lab-ness.
My neat and tidy desk disappears whenever Alix uses it.
Piles and piles of accumulated man-debris remain.
But I have a solution for that.
I've rented a dumpster.
Yes, gang....she's BAAAAAACCCKKKKKKKK.
*STBX - "soon-to-be-ex"