She would rake me over the coals for divulging how many candles on the cake…so I won’t. I will simply remind her she’s still ”on the right side of the dirt”, as Paula Deen says.
It is not hyperbole to say that I would not have survived this past year had it not been for Mama. She has protected me, hugged me, cried with me. She’s encouraged me, funded me, championed me.
She has taken me to magical places that I never imagined I would see. Lions and leopards. Snake Charmers. Moroccan olive merchants and Arabic rug sellers.
She has given me the strength to keep going.
She has shown me by example how to be a better mother.
Those of you who know Jane Hutchinson James will know all of the following...
but those of you who don’t have the privilege, let me tell you a little about her.
In no particular order…
She’s a terrific bridge player.
She exercises daily (almost). Walking and water aerobics. Yoga when we are on a cruise.
She loves white tulips.
She belongs to the Twentieth Century Club, where she has to write a major paper once a year. And present to the club.
She is a voracious reader. She is never without a book.
She loves New York City.
She’s addicted to crossword puzzles.
She is passionate about music, especially opera. One of her favorite charities brings opera into elementary and middle schools, in the hopes that children will learn a love of music at an early age.
If she’s sees French Onion Soup on a menu, she will order it.
She was once the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker.
She’s an avid supporter of community revitalization.
She is a planner. A really meticulous planner. Rarely leaves anything to chance. (It’s why her parties always seem effortless and perfect!)
She is always immaculately dressed. Yep, even on safari, she looked great.
She’s a licensed chalice bearer and lay reader in the Episcopal Church.
She has legs that would make a Rockette envious.
She’s a proud member of the National Society of Colonial Dames in America .
She’s a trustee of Centenary College. And, yes, she looks very dashing in her academic robes!
Her favorite meal is French Dinner on Crystal Cruises.
All things considered, she’d rather be shoe shopping.
(Mama and first cousin Suzanne)
Mrs. James, Jane, CruiseGran, Mama….whatever name she goes by, she is loved, admired and respected by so many people.
(the gang with Kris Hiers at my birthday brunch in October)
I love you, Mama. Happy Birthday! Many happy returns of the day!!!!!!!