It’s really nice to have a sea day on your first day of the cruise. A nice late sleep, a little breakfast…maybe a lecture.
The younger bunch had a full day with the Junior Activities Directors or JADs. Niece Rabbit had LOADS of fun with them..
As did the world's cutest 5-year old, who kept his snake around his if his lip wasn't scary enough!!

( note the stitches...he took a tumble at the hotel 5 minutes before they left for the the first person he met on board was the Doctor!!!)
and our littlest cruiser, cousin London (who already has 3 or 4 cruises under her belt...and she's TWO!!!)..Niece Panda, off to the left, decided that less-was-more in the facepaint department!!
Grumpy Guy got a dance in with his daughter
While yours truly attempted self portraits with sister-in-law Jula.
Girl got a hold on the camera briefly

before we set out for dinner. The entire family had dinner reservations at Prego, the wonderful Italian restaurant aboard that evening.
And it was great to be with everyone again- EVERYONE—because Boy was with us- he missed last year’s cruise because of football--- as was cousin/niece/granddaughter Rabbit, who had missed the past two cruises.
We were all dressed up as if ready for something like a wedding reception….and it turned out we WERE….for cousin Merrill was able to announce that his son Charlie and girlfriend Billi–surprise!!!!- made their long-term relationship legal the month previous.
We didn't suspect a THING--even when champagne came out and musicians appeared
Much squealing amongst the girl-cousins
and handshakes and back slaps amongst the boy-cousins…
and there was even wedding cake!
Some of us stayed up late for karaoke—especially the younger set…while some of us decided to head off to bed, as were were ready to be off early in the morning to see our first glimpse of NORWAY!!!