Friday, November 4, 2011

A Chiropractic Halloween and a new GROCERY

I had no idea that my chiropractor, Kelley Morgenroth, was such a fan of Halloween. So when I checked in with her on Monday, I was surprised to find Washington County Family Chiropractic all decorated.

And Kelly was bewitching all her patients.

There were eyes everywhere.

And food was in abundance.

Anna was taking everyone's photos, but I managed to get a pic of HER.

How appropriate that the treatment rooms were covered in wallart.

Well, after that frightful realignment of my spine, I headed to Milledgeville to visit the BRAND NEW Kroger's grocery store.


100,000 square feet of inspiration. I haven't been this excited since....well, SINCE.

Yes, I had to sit down a few times. It was that wonderful.

Now, I have my huge patch of lemongrass at MCR. But if I ever run out....hallelujah!

Oh, stop rolling your eyes. I take joy in the simple things. Like fresh lamb. Blood oranges. Maytag blue cheese. Fingerling potatoes.

I am happy. Happy, happy, happy.

And caught up!!!! Hooray!

Even More Fall Catch Up!

Heck, I've almost caught everyone up to date!

Halloween came early 'round these parts- Alix and I each had our own Halloween parties to attend on October 22. And BOTH were costume affairs!

Alix decided to go to Sarah Smith's party as The Joker's apprentice, Harley Quinn. Here's a stock photo of Harley Quinn..

And here's Alix.

Aren't they a cute couple?

For my Halloween invite, I went to Jeremy and Emily Andrew's.

Jeremy took the cake for his costume "white lies"..

and Emily went as a Spice Rack.

(No, Michelle, aka Little Red Riding Hood, does not always make that face...she had just done a jello shot. Oh, did I mention there were jello shots at the Andrew's party??? Um...I may have had A FEW.....)

The Gilligan's Island gang was all there...

The Moms..

Sad when no one has any fun...

My cooking cohort-in-crime, Sharon...

Doesn't everyone take photos of themselves in the bathroom?

Medusa and Mrs. Thurston Howell, III

No matter what age--the guys sit outside and the girls dance...

There is simply no explanation available. But it sounded like a good idea at the time.

Someone KINDLY grabbed my camera...

I thought Tiffany's costume was both clever and appropriate.

Angelina JoLynn made an appearance

Complete with paparazzi

And as for explanation necessary.

She's Greek.

More Tennille BBQ Blast

You step outside on Saturday morning of BBQ Blast weekend and can smell that wonderful scent of barbeque- sauce and charcoal and hickory and pork.

It was enough to get me out of bed early and head out to take photos and see what was going on.

Penelope Pig, the BBQ mascot, was at the ready.

Teams were in high gear, getting ready for judging.

The menfolk from next door were readying their ribs and relaxing.

The train continued to run on time.

I decided NOT to add the redneck windchimes to my collection.

Here's just a little of the sights of Tennille's Fourth Annual BBQ Blast. ENJOY!!!