Anyway, one night last week, I pulled the chain on my ceiling fan light (the remote died years ago), and nothing happened. The light would not switch off. The fan speed chain worked fine, but nothing happened when I pulled the light chain. Thanks to google, I determined I had a switch problem.
Well, today, I got out the screwdriver and the ladder. (By the way, I love my Little Giant ladder. I've used it so much recently that I really should give it a name....but then that might seem like we were in a relationship...)
Um...excuse me- back to the light switch problem. After a quick trip to Wally World (Walmart) for a new light switch, I climb my handsome tall strong.... LADDER... and I unscrew the plate screws...
Disconnect the old switch...
Open up the new switch...
Attach the new switch...
Put everything back together...
And, in under 10 minutes.....
Bob's your uncle!!!!!
LIGHT!!! That turns off!!!!
All in a day's work in the life of a Goddess.......
Note that I still have not managed to find a job, the first of the month bills are biting at my ankles, the bathrooms upstairs have yet to be painted, the front yard garden beds are so overgrown they look like areas I saw in Angkor Wat, and the gutter over the back door is in such bad shape that sheets of water cascade down on anyone coming to call in the rain. Ah, heck, it all keeps me humble.
I have light in my bedroom again.
And I fixed it!