Tuesday, October 18, 2011

World Cruise 2011 Links

As stated in my last post, most of the links from my Picasa account and Blogspot were damaged, resulting in a whole ton of pretty black triangles where color photos should have been.

But it seems (for the time) that things have all been put right. Well, it was a code-learning experience....


If you were not fortunate (tongue firmly planted in cheek) to view my tales from Down Under, here are the links to the updated, PRETTY, blogposts COMPLETE with COLOR photos!!!!!!


The Beginning

Auckland, Day 1

Auckland, Day 2

Waiheke Vineyards

Embarkation Day

Tauranga, New Zealand

Napier, New Zealand

Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington Botanic Garden

Christchurch and Overland Trip 1

Christchurch Fireman's Reserve Memorial to 9/11

Into the Southern Alps

Mount Cook

The Flight to the Glacier

Mountain High

Mount Cook to Queenstown

Queenstown to Dunedin

New Zealand Sounds


The Yarra Valley of Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Last Sea Day

Sydney, Australia

Sydney 2

Summer Family Cruise 2010 Links!!!!

I have spent the majority of the past week repairing some broken photography links on the blog. Most of them, as luck would have it (and remember I have the luck of the Irish....the Potato Famine Irish....) they were days of heavy-duty visuals....mainly the Summer Cruise from 2010 and the World Cruise from 2011. So in case perused the writing surrounded by a bunch of black triangles with exclamation marks, here are links to all the posts for our Summer Family Cruise 2010 from Italy to England.


Heading to Rome


Rome 2

To The Ship






At Sea


Le Verdon to Bordeaux


Final Sea Day


Bristol 1

Bristol 2

Bristol Cruise

SS Great Britain

Windsor and Home