Monday, August 7, 2017

Diamonds are a plumber's best friend.....

Well, you probably know my First Tenet of Home Repair...

     "Can I make it any worse than it already is?"

When I went in the guestroom bathroom (which was my mom's for 15 or so years), I noticed that one of the faucet taps was very difficult to turn.  Now, this week I have a few guests staying with me, so I thought I'd try to loosen it up...

At 7 pm tonight.  When they arrive TOMORROW.

Lesson 1.  Yes, I can make it worse than it already is.

Lesson 2.  Plumbing issues sometimes cannot be fixed with WD40 and force.

Lesson 3.  Always know where the water shut off is.


But, at least THIS would-be plumber is bedecked appropriately...

I mean, what other plumber wears sapphires and diamonds to trash a faucet???

Livin' the dream, peeps...Livin' the dream.