Wednesday, November 7, 2007

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!

Just as I prepare to leave for NYC for a week, we get the news yesterday that my new car, which was to have been made just last week, has ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grumpy Guy handled everything. We ordered it in the summer, and the only thing he said was it should be

1)silver, as it represents a sorta' 25th anniversary present, and

2) a hybrid, as he is starting a renewable energy business.

So, just look, JUST LOOK at my new baby---an '08 Mercury Mariner Hybrid.

Look, only 21 miles on it. The last time I had a brand new car was in 1983, when we bought a convertible Rabbit in Germany (that, oddly enough, was silver as well..)

I am the first person in the middle-of-nowhere to have a Hybrid. It is so incredibly quiet, and has a built-in IPOD plug and GPS--no more wires!

I get to drive it for an incredible 5 hours before leaving for Atlanta in the "other" car--not wanting to leave my new baby at the airport lot for a whole week.

Now, to think of a clever name for her.....and it must be a good one, as I will be STILL BE PAYING for her when Girl is out of high school and Boy has graduated from college!!!

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