Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've been Tagged

Well, Daddy D (aka Darrell) has tagged me with a meme. What, you say, is a meme?? A meme, as defined by Wikipedia, is a “bit of cultural information that propagates from one mind to another”. Translation—little bits of knowledge about one’s self that one is forced to share with others, and if a blogger, with the blogging world, due to peer pressure. The latest version circulating the blogosphere is to list things about which you are suspicious, then go and tag someone else.

Yikes, what a task… Ok, I am suspicious of

1. People who want to “save” me. Especially if it means I hear the question “Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?”

2. The Federal Government. Except those in the military below the rank of General.

3. Anything labeled “free”—including puppies, towing, or “gift with purchase”.

4. Infomercials.

5. PETA. I didn’t climb to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables.

6. Politicians who think they know how to protect my children better than I do. For that matter,

7. Anyone who thinks they know what is best for me or my family. (Gosh, that could apply to #1, #2, #5, or #6.)

8. Most people living on the Left Coast (cousins excluded).

9. Anything written or uttered by the present administration of Randolph College. (Any alumna of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College will understand this one).

I think that’s a start. Now, instead of tagging someone, I’m just going to tag Maison Cou Rouge’s readers. Anyone who wants to make a list, just email it forward………Consider yourself tagged!

1 comment:

Darrell said...

Well, you played along most of the way. Next time you're in Manhattan, get us a bottle of steak sauce from Ben Benson's.