Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Myanmar Destruction

I know that I haven't even finished up with tales of my wonderful trip, much less talking about everything else going on, but I had to write about the cyclone in Myanmar.

(You can read the latest story on CNN.)

The devastation is horrific. My heart goes out to all those I met in Yangon- our guide Zhero, the monk at the Pagoda who gave me flowers, the little girl who showed my mom and me how to pour water on our birth day's Buddha, and the boys and girls who were celebrating their birthdays. Take a look at the pictures from my post of that day because so much of what you will see is now gone. Reports say that half of the stupas at the Pagoda itself were destroyed, over 20,000 have been killed, and 100,000 are homeless.

The Democratic Voice of Burma has information on its website. The situation is more desperate than the military junta government is telling the world.

Maybe this is the way that great change will finally come to the Burmese people. If the government really botches the handling of Myanmar post-cyclone--as it seems headed to do- hopefully the rest of the world will sit up and take notice. Shame that it takes a catastrophe of such epic proportions to effect change.

Blessings and prayers to the Burmese people.

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