Oh, I was so good when the kids were younger. Christmas presents would all be purchased by October. Wrapped and ready to be mailed by November 15. Everything but the tree finished by December 1.
What happened to me???? Why do I do this to myself? Here it is, December 10, and although I've had my cards printed since October, I have yet to address one. Ok, I addressed one while on "hold" with someone's customer service department. Whoopee.
So now I have cards to address and mail, a photographic family calendar to create, presents to the immediate family to purchase, and presents to mail to Louisiana. Oh, yeah, and teachers'gifts to worry about. And canvases to paint. And threads to order. And bills to pay. And dryers to get fixed.
Which is why I'm typing here, and when I finish, I'm going to go knit on a sock.
Call me an ostrich..but this elf is going to go hide her head in the sand. For the forseeable future.
Til then, here are some pictures for your entertainment.........

We traveled to South Carolina to visit Grumpy Guy's brother and the whole clan the day after Thanksgiving...

We hosted a charity game supper for 12 at Maison Cou Rouge last Friday...
There's a house near Brentwood that has so many lights (this is only half the yard!!) Girl says you can probably spot it on Google Earth..
It got so cold one night last week that the water in a birdbath froze...even the angel looks cold...

Boy and Girl received their "All Region"plaques at the sports banquet last week- he for football, she for cross country running...

and Boy has taken school spirit fashion to a new--um--LEVEL- in basketball-fan dressing for away games... technically, is still meets the dress code if he leaves the hat in his truck during school hours....but don't get an iron NEAR those polyester pants....they will melt!
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