It’s a surreal moment when the bottom scroll of the news channel becomes personal.
“Peace Corps Worker Found Dead in Africa”. I didn’t even stop to remember that Girl’s beloved English and French teacher, Virginia McAfee (I blogged about her here ) has a family member in the Peace Corps. In Africa. Who’s name is Kate.
Kate Puzey. Her name scrolls across the screen. And the news is suddenly personal.
I didn’t know Kate. Kate’s mother and “Miz Mac” are first cousins, but Virginia was more like an aunt to Kate. Yesterday, when Virginia and I had a chance to hug and exchange a few words, I learned about this incredible young lady and how she changed the world in her 24 years.This link to the Alanta Journal Constitution article explains some of the story as does the more local Gainesville Times .
But not all. And I want to share what Virginia told me.
Kate joined the Peace Corp in 2007, after she graduated from William and Mary. She was coming home to Georgia in May.
Kate wanted to make the world a better place. She was very open, loving and compassionate. Good and kind. As beautiful in spirit as she was fair of face. She really did light up a room with her smile.
Kate was also feisty. Willing to fight for justice. And to fight for the underdog. She wasn’t afraid.
They have the man that murdered Kate in custody. He is the local, for want of a better word, "badass”. He took advantage of young girls. Now, I know I am American, and I don’t live in a small African village, and perceptions of what is “normal” or “right” or “correct” or “appropriate” differ around the world. But forcing a 14-year old girl to have sex against her will is wrong. I do not care what the native language is... it is still called “rape”.
Kate was horrified to learn that five of her 14-year old students were pregnant at the same time due to his man. That many other village girls had been hurt by him…were terrified of him.
Kate went to the authorities- I am unsure if it was government or employer- and the man was forced to leave the area. But he came back for his revenge.
In the Bible, John 15:13 says “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” I know this will be little comfort to her parents and brother right now, but maybe in time……..
If you believe in karma, as I do, then Kate has cleaned the slate. Heaven has the loveliest angel.
And as for the man who murdered,Kate----well…. As a Christian, I know that God has a whole lot more in His arsenal than we humans do in ours. As a Buddhist, I know that his suffering has only begun. He will receive justice.
The lives Kate touched will go on to touch other lives. The scholarship fund her family has begun will change still more lives. The positive change she made in the world will endure.

I would have loved to have known her.

Kate's blog and photos
The Kate Puzey Memorial Fund has been established “to help causes she believed in,” her father has said. Donations can be sent to: c/o Smith, Gambrell, and Russel, LLP, Suite 3100, 1230 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta, GA 30309-3592.
Wonderfull written about a beautifull person..
We all should had known her..
I knew Kate for 2 years. She was a fun, sweet and lovely person. I think God occasionally takes people this precious from earth so that those who remain are forced to question "What good have we offered the world?", "What sacrifice and challenge have we made to our own comfort?", and finally to leave us pondering "If I died tomorrow, would I have lived the life that I wanted?" Thankfully, Kate can answer each of these questions with absolute contenment. God bless her and God bless you for sharing her story.
Thank you for the truth about what happened to this warm, dedicated, brilliant and precious person. On March 25th John Coyne blogged: "4 suspects have been apprehended and brought before the court for further questions relating to the murder of 24-year-old PCV Catherine “Katie” Puzey. The suspects are 1 Nigerian and 3 Beninese. Of the three Beninese, two are part time trainers for the Peace Corps and the third is one of Peace Corps Benin’s Associate Peace Corps Directors (APCDs). The APCD and one of the trainers are brothers, and one also taught with Katie Puzey at her school." http://peacecorpsworldwide.org/babbles/2009/03/25/benin-apcd-arrested-for-murder-of-katie-puzey/
Elizabeth, were any of these 4 people found to be involved in her murder? Do you know any more about it? What do you know about Kate's dog in Benin?
Anything you can find out would be very much appreciated! Thanks again! From a Kate Puzey admirer
Anonymous-- I will ask her cousin!!!!! Thanks so much for your post!
Anonymous--here's an update!
"The immediate family met with two government agents back in June in the presence of the family lawyer. It seems that trials are held only at the end of each year – Nov. and Dec.; therefore, Kate’s parents are awaiting news of a trial date. The information you have sent me is correct. Four people are in custody. Kate’s parents aren’t talking a lot about the case right now, so we don’t know if they have heard any additional news. There was a lot of investigation... I understand that the man Kate was accusing of molesting and impregnating girls was to be dismissed after she got out of the country. Papers were sent to headquarters, and the man’s brother works where the papers were sent. He told his accused brother... I don’t know about the other two men. Kate wasn’t afraid of the man who is the man suspect, but she had realized early on that he was abusing some of her female students."
She tells me that she will keep me posted....no news of her dog, though!
Hope this helps!!
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for shining light on the life and passing of PCV Kate Puzey. I found your blog because I had been searching for information surrounding the circumstances of Kate's death and whether her attackers had been brought to justice yet. Your blog is one of only two places I have found the truth about her death; thank you so much for sharing it. Do you have any updates on the prosecution of those involved in her murder?
As a 23-year-old of similar hopes and expectations, scheduled to begin Peace Corps training this January, I can't help but feel a kindred spirit with Kate. Reading her blog and others' comments about her life have reminded me (as I too often forget) to think of life in terms of the amazing journey it is; to pause in mindfulness of each step along the path. Kate seemed to have the rare ability to approach life with both honesty and positivity and I am sure that the thought of her uncommon attitude and courage will cheer me during many difficult nights over the next 27 months.
Thanks again for sharing, and peace be with you and your family.
Your words are very powerful and true! She is a lovely angel and vengence is God's.
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