Before the parade, the square was not as crowded, so I got to snap photos of friends easily.
One of our local artists, the very talented Alan King.
The Atkinson Girls are beautiful, aren't they?
The Gullah Guy with the seagrass baskets is one of my favorites. This year, I introduced Susanne and Karen to him. They got several Christmas presents out of the way!
Our friends the Giles came down from their new home outside Athens (where Dr. Perry is now responsible for the eyes of the University of Georgia!). We miss them so much- it was great to see them working Lori's parents' barbeque booth!
Craft booths were everywhere.
Street food is just wonderful this time of year.
The parade began- led off, by tradion, with Sheriff Thomas Smith driving his darling mother, Miss Betty.
Miss Betty used to live in Maison Cou Rouge...and the sheriff grew up here!
Ben and Hugh Tarbutton were the parade's grand marshals. We loved seeing their grandchildren on the Sandersville Railroad float.
Their parents, our friends Charles and Helen, seemed to be having a good time as well.
A bagpiper piped the whole 3 miles of the parade route.
What's a parade without old tractors?
So proud of our Brentwood Cheerleaders!
Alix's friend Taylar is one pretty girl!
We have lots of great sports in Washington County.
The Tennille BBQ Blast Mascot, Penelope Pig, visited the parade.
Washington County High School's Air Force Junior ROTC program marched with precision.
Alix's friend Ainsley, is Miss Beta Club.
Our crowd outside friend Susanne's shop Tips to Toes.
The WaCo High School Marching Band played "Thriller"--Dynamite!
and WaCo's cheerleaders looked fabulous.
Every parade needs some Harleys...
and some cloggers.
Miss Jane and I were invited to display our smartcars at the carshow.
The day was a huge success and a great lead in to the following week's Tennille BBQ Blast!
Good fill someone in on and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you on your information.
I found your Kaolin festival pictures online and posted some of them to the new city of Sandersville website. I wanted to get your permission and give you credit, but could not find a way to email you on here. Please contact me. Jimmy Bennett. 706-733-4266
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