(I think that's a good way to start off a blog post, don't you???)
CruiseGran decided on this particular segment of Crystal's 2010 World Cruise, themed "Exploration of Ancient Empires", because she loved visiting South Africa several years ago. She especially loved going on safari. Well, who am I to quibble? Longtime readers will remember my first sights of India, and how- in so many ways- it changed my life. So I was thrilled, not only with the prospect of a return trip, but to see Africa.
And so, passport renewed, multiple visas in place, Grumpy Guy drove me to the Atlanta airport on February 6 to meet Mama.
Traveling for almost a month on Crystal requires luggage....
but I was pleased I came in WELL under limits. Each bag weighed less than 40 pounds.
Linking up in Delta's Crown Room was great, and we had time for drinks and a catchup visit--after all, it had been 6 weeks since Christmas!
Before long the sun was setting and it was time to find our very comfortable Delta 747-400 for the flight to Johannesburg. We would then switch planes to South African Airways for the flight to Capetown.
One last phone call back to D to let him know we were aboard...
And we pushed back ready to get in line to fly.
The big Delta sign has been in Atlanta for as long as I can remember...
Getting settled in, I practically need an interpreter for my seat controls...
And then, looking out my window, I see we are getting closer to the end of the taxiway.
I think we are moving....
and then we are above Atlanta, heading out toward the Atlantic.
Our route takes us straight toward that big continent so far away
With a very long way to go.
Let the adventure BEGIN.
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