Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Calling All Photographers!!!!

May 1, 2011.................

Well, SOMEHOW....I really can't figure out HOW (especially with no alcohol involved....)

But I am going to do another Project 365!!!!!!!!

See, this silly friend of mine--the same one who talked me into doing my original EP365 has talked me into doing another project 365 along with him....and we want EVERYONE we can to join us!!!!!

AJ's darling Anna-Grace is one-third of her way through HER project 365, but I can think of SO MANY PEOPLE (hint, hint...if you are reading this right now) who could join us!

Heck, if you don't want to do a photo a day (but you know you carry around a mobile phone that has a camera, so there's no excuse...), what about a photo a WEEK? Or a photo a MONTH?

Just JOIN in on the fun.

All you up and coming high school or college SENIORS, this would be a perfect way to memorialize your Senior year.....

So far, we have two wonderful photographers from Captains Voyage joining us.

Come ON!!! Join us!!!!!

May 1, 2011

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