Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One Day Without Shoes 2011

If you know me well, you know I have recently become addicted to TOMS shoes. Not only are they cute and comfortable, but they have a fantastic program. For every pair of shoes (or tshirt) that you buy, the company donates one pair of TOMS to someone in need.

How often do you get to help so easily?

Every year, TOMS sponsors "One Day Without Shoes" to promote awareness of the people around the world who go without shoes and the medical and social problems that arise.

Well, today is One Day Without Shoes 2011. It just so happened that a cold front came through here last night, and it is presently 50f (that's 10c for my European friends, but then, you probably already knew that). Yeap, there are rain puddles EVERYWHERE.

Yes, it's going to be difficult to go without shoes today. Yes, I am going to be uncomfortable. Yes, I might even cut my foot or get sick.

But if I can get just ONE person to ask me why I am not wearing shoes, or why I am wearing a tshirt with a big crayon heart on it that says "one day with out shoes", I will have done some good today.

As Mother Theresa said, "We can do no great things....only small things with great love"

And thank YOU, Anna-Grace Veal,for introducing me to TOMS, and for being the butter to AJ's bread...the breath to his life!

" Be the change you wish to see in the world."--Gandhi

Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS shoes

1 comment:

Affable Anna-Grace said...

It is my absolute PLEASURE to be the butter to his bread. He is one very amazing individual, so THANK YOU!