Caroline, as a member of the State Champion Girls Trio, sang.
Alix received the Daughters of the American Revolution History Award...
(History???? History??? She's a math and science girl, she says...)
and also received awards for highest average in AP Biology, English, and AP US History, was named a Presbyterian College Junior Fellow, a University of Georgia Merit Scholar. She also received certificate for placing third in Personal Essay at the region literary meet. Translation, she cleaned up! I am so proud of her!
The members of the Senior Beta Club were recognized...but they look a bit sheepish...
Alix was very happy for her friend, Elizabeth Rawlings, who was named Valedictorian for the Class of 2011.
Suzanna Hodges joined in the hug, too.
I was happy for Elizabeth's mom, my dear friend Beth Rawlings, who is here with her daughter Sarah talking to my friend Jennifer Tillirson.
No Alix is NOT that much taller than me...she had on gigantic heels...
Photog par excellence Joel Tillirson was goofy at the reception immediately afterwards.
Taylor and Emmaline looked beautiful.
My friend Dr. Kreslyn Odum Brooks and her husband Dr. Byron Brooks sponsored Casino Night 2011 to raise money for a new teenage program Venturing

Too bad I didn't have the Queen of Hearts..

Taylor and Caroline learned the finer points of playing blackjack

Courtney Brookins Tollison and I had fun together....

Lindsey Noggle was serenaded by Elvis..
Then it POURED last Saturday..
But just for a little, and I went out to Susanne and John Faulker's for supper.
I love her house in the country.
I continued to work on my patio--the weather has been delightful
and I could have made another dog out of the shedding Chip has done.
Tuesday was 17May, the Norwegian "Birthday", so I proudly flew the flag in honor of my dear Norwegian friends, and the land I love.
No, I didn't get the time to make a kransekake...and as far a waffles, this was the best I could do.
My heart was willing, though. Later in the evening I gathered a few bits together...
Feeble attempt, but attempt nonetheless.
Well, that pretty much brings you up to date. Once I get the Prom and Track postings done, you will be fully in the know! Oh, and I have a new EP366 to begin sharing!!!!!
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