Friday, August 25, 2017

North to Nome- A Quick Tour

Not many folks visit Nome, Alaska. If you live here, you are one hardy individual.

Beautiful weather followed us all day long.  Whilst on tour, I learned how to pan for gold…

Found some....

...saw a herd of wild musk ox(remember those beasts that grow the wool that becomes qiviut?)….

...Had a fabulous presentation about the area at the National Park Service (which apparently doubles as the Public Defenders office)...

...and had a meet and greet with some pretty amazing Iditarod sled dogs (thank you, Nils Hahn and Dianne Haecker of Arctic Sky Kennels!)

Meet T-Bone.  He’s a 4-year old Alaskan Huskie.  

Love those floppy ears.

Bruce is the oldest at 8 (I think).

He has run in several Iditarods. Oh, those ice blue eyes!

Sparky is the heart of the team.  

She seems so tiny, but is the leader- and mom to many of the other dogs. 

Watching these dogs work was something else.  The way they go from laid-back chillin' to absolute over-the-moon excitement just being harnessed up- these dogs are born to run and they love it more than anything.

If you ever finish the Iditarod, you can have a license plate to let the world know.

Every March, the Iditarod makes the news- at least the beginning and end.  Now, I have a team to cheer on in 2019, when these young dogs will be fully prepared to take on the difficult 1049 mile course.

Is this the picture of a happy pup or what?????

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