Sunday, January 14, 2018

Halloween 2017

Running at full-tilt to catchup with memories of the last quarter of 2017.......

I went to Atlanta to see the kiddos for Halloween- at nearly 2, this would be the first "mobile" Halloween for Maddie Jane.  She is into all things Minnie Mouse, so you can guess what her costume was...

"ME-MAUS......." (trying for a duplicate pronunciation in Maddiespeak...)

Even I got into the a rather full black tutu, my "I drive a stick" witch's broom shirt from the Salem Witch Museum, garish orange and black striped socks and Toms....

Why yes, I was quite fetching.....

Well, MADDIE thought my tutu was fun....

Clever window scenes in the neighborhood...

Ummm...YES---her candy bag is monogrammed...

Always a game of cat and mouse with the Pryor girls...

My loves - minus one- all together!!!

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