Monday, March 26, 2018

Saigon By Night

"The Heat Is On In Saigon"...

Or so the lyric from "Miss Saigon" goes.  To me, the heat and humidity were okay (it's the Louisiana training, I guess) but my poor pals from Canada and Denmark were limp as unwatered flowers.

So we stayed fairly close to home the Rex Hotel, and visited Lemongrass Restaurant for dinner.

Another cute selfie... this time with the Rex Hotel's Guest Relations Specialist.

An exceptional meal... including this okra dish.  Probably the best preparation of okra I've ever had.
Barely sauteed in the merest coating of oil...with onion slivers and lemongrass and chili.  
I ate every bit.

Saigon lights up at night.  Very much the modern city.

The Rooftop Bar at the Rex- scene of many a Vietnam War powwow amongst generals and war correspondents. Now, with a great cover band.

Across the street, in front of the statue of Ho Chi Minh, teens and twenty-somethings rehearsed for a big Party rally the next day.  It's hard to remember this is technically a Communist country.

"S" ordered an "I Love Saigon" cocktail...

And I ordered a "Five O'Clock Follies".


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