How can a well-educated, well-read, intelligent woman of my years have NOTHING to show for two and one-half days of her life??
It seems I spent all day Saturday in a vain attempt to pick up the house. It still looks the same.
I spent most of the day yesterday working on the baby blanket while watching the entire miniseries "The Way We Live Now" (thank you Netflix for having so many Masterpiece Theatre-type dvds). It still looks the same.
We did manage to take Girl and two friends to see "The Invasion" with Nicole Kidman. It was ok, but is the fourth remake of the book "The Body Snatchers"- so, basically, it still looks the same.
Nice One, Dad.
To Boy's credit, his reaction was "it's okay-it's no big deal. It'll get fixed. Are you okay?"
Nice One, Boy.
Oh, yeh, I forgot to mention----
(Fullback in the black socks)-
More tomorrow.
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