Best Junior Class in the World!
Ok, ok...I'll get back to writing about the last half of the Asia trip.....but I need to catch up on last week.
As you may have guessed, Junior/Senior Prom is a really really big deal around these parts. Take a broadway production, add the planning of a D-Day invasion, throw in some expensive ball gowns and tuxedos, and you get the picture. Planning takes up a great deal of the year, and these kids have been working toward last Saturday night since the past summer.
They chose their theme "The Golden Age of Hollywood" two years ago. I'd like to think that it helped that Brentwood's resident production designer/art director (oh, how I love a made-up title) also happened to be one their favorite class moms (do I have a big ego, or what?). So, design I did. And had a ball doing it. Of course, time became an issue (how could it not when I disappeared for 3 of the 4 weeks prior?), and certain elements didn't get done, but it was lovely, if I do say so myself. I just sketched and drafted- the building and painting of the set was all kid-power, with a larger-than-hefty dose of parental muscle.
Scaffolding gets erected so the walls can be lined and streamers put up along the ceiling.

The class has some very VERY talented artists. Hopefully you can tell from the tables that these are actually 6ftx9ft canvases of movie posters, painted by hand. They are works of art.
The little kids came through on Friday afternoon and got a real giggle out of Marilyn (the kindergarteners said "I can see her UNDERWEAR!!").
Movie posters and cutouts framed the entrance.
Some amazing dads figured out how to build a three dimensional replica of the famous Brown Derby restaurant, where the juniors and seniors had fun with the chocolate fountain.
An Oscar stage to make the Grand March entrance into Prom. Complete with sexy curved ramp. An engineering marvel.
Setting light levels for the stage nearly drove us crazy.
For those of you who know Grumpy Guy, the following video clips are for your enjoyment. He was trying to show some teens how to make a constant tension anchor knot...while he was on the ground and they were 25 feet in the air on the scaffold. It is typical GG.......
It was a challenge, but fun. To all the Juniors--I love you all!! You are my heart!
ps to Daddy D- I don't recall us having such elaborate prom decorations. But then, all I remember is a bunch of streamers, a band, some REALLY hideous tuxes and gowns-(you posted the pic on YOUR blog last spring) and a large quantity of vodka..............
oh dear Lord how I enjoyed the fantastic visual image you painted of Prom at Bwood. bway + dday... its pure gold. they should put you on tv. I enjoyed the blog. You should check out my BenBlog. Most of them are in the form of videos on Facebook. most are pretty random...but some do find them amusing. idk why. lots of love
When I first met Alan (GG) he was a 22 year old 'butter bar' Lieutenant in the US Army: And even then, when exasperated (and boy did he get exasperated) he did that thing where he rolled his head to one site, then did it again and pulled his head sideways, blew down through his nose and went "Hmmmmm": And lookey here, he still does it in a whole other millennium!
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