Tuesday, August 5, 2008

She's Back!!

Hello everyone! And that includes family, friends, bill collectors, vacation time-share sellers, politicians, and fund-raisers! We're back from holiday.

I guess I should have blogged that I would be gone most of the month of July. CruiseGran (as Girl's BFF had dubbed her) took the whole family on a cruise around Great Britain, followed by a near-week in London. Much to share, pics to post and mirth and merriment abounded. More anon.

But first, I must play catchup with bill paying, or we won't have any electricity...and therefore no computer, and no blog updates!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, no fair sneaking off like that for a whole month! It's like you introduced yourself (previous post), then snuck out the back door. That said, glad you had a fun trip and also glad you're back.