Monday, September 15, 2008

Boy Runs!

So much for being more diligent about posting. Mea culpa mea maxima culpa. It’s been a rather active week around Maison Cou Rouge, and I’ve felt like Alice in Wonderland, running as hard as I can just to stay in place. And running is harder than it looks-ask Boy.

If you need to persuade Boy to do anything, just appeal to his sense of team. Cross country teams are made up of five runners. At any one time, Brentwood has four healthy runners. So when Girl’s cross country coach smiled hopefully at him and pleaded with him to run, he said yes. All he had to do, she said, was run in one meet before the region meet , and then both region and state meets.

All he had to do.

Now if you’ve read this blog for a while, you know that Boy is an athlete. Loves his football. Loves track and field even more. Excels in the 100, 200, and 400 meter distances. But running sprints resembles running five kilometers about as much as I resemble Madonna.

Pictures will speak for themselves…
5k?? Sure- be happy to..did I mention I played a really tough football game 12 hours ago??
Squish the cute guy when he's injured!
Girl's start-very intense
100 meters to go--it's was painfully humid and hot- Girl was cramping up and couldn't breathe
But she recovered quickly and was able to give her big brother advice..or was that taunting??
Boy asking advice from the varsity's #1 runner
Boy having second thoughts....
Mile one down--this isn't so a long 800....
This is a crazy sport...a really crazy crazy sport
It's harder than it looks........and I now understand the tshirt that says "Cross Country is a mental sport, and we're all insane..."
Well done, all you Brentwood Eagle Runners!!

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