Friday, September 19, 2008

It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

Don't forget to hoist yer mainsails and grab yer eyepatch and wooden pegleg before you force yer matey to walk the gangplank's Talk Like a Pirate Day!!

Here's Dave Barry's column that started it all...

Here's help to Talk Like a Pirate

Here's a pirate name of many

So grab some grog, find ye a beauty, and prepare to be boarded!!!

And, today...just call me "Betty the Butcher"


Anonymous said...

"Prepare to be boarded"? That sounds vaguely naughty! (Or maybe I just need to get more - I mean, get OUT more. Yeah, that's it!)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm. I am, it seems, 'Mad Davy Flint'. Well, it could have been worse...