My Little Norway

This photo from a recent post just tickled me no end...yes, it does say "COD"---
I found this site whilst looking for a recipe for REAL Norwegian waffles... (yes, I had been egged on by The Captain, who had threatened to call the Norwegian Waffle Police on me for not eating my Norwegian Waffles in proper Norwegian style...)
A charming couple, she Australian, he Norwegian, living in the northern city of Trømso, raising a family. Wonderful photography, charming stories, Norwegian lessons--just about everything one needs to get excited about the Land of the Midnight Sun.
Go check it out--even if you're not traveling to Norway anytime soon...and if you're stuck in this Gawd-Awful -Southern-Heat right now, they have LOTS of photos of snow.......

both photos from the website MY LITTLE NORWAY....go check them out HERE
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