And then we headed toward the Peace Park.

The monument to Peace

and the marker of the hypocenter of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki August 9, 1945, along with a memorial to the 145,984 men, women and children who died.

The Peace Park is a beautiful and serene place

With sculptures given by many countries and groups

After the Peace Park, we headed up the hill to Glover House

Which Puccini used as inspiration for his great opera "Madama Butterfly".

Looking out from the porch, listening to the beautiful music of Cio-Cio-San's aria "Un Bel Di", seeing the view as she would have, whilst waiting for the ship bringing Lt. Pinkerton back to her, had tears streaming down my face in no time at all.*

We were given an fabulous send off by a local marching band

As we sailed into Osaka, we passed under the longest suspension bridge in the world
and passed close by Asuka II, formerly Crystal Harmony, Serenity's sister ship.

We traveled to Kyoto, visiting the Golden Pavilion
and fabulous gardens.
I had the chance to turn some prayer wheels in the Buddhist temple gardens
have a tea ceremony
and visit a Buddhist cemetery.
Nothing can prepare one for the first sight of Mt. Fuji
or an equally entertaining welcome by some local schoolchildren.
It was hard to leave Serenity behind, but I was anxious to get home to my family after over three weeks away.
* One of the most beautiful arias ever composed- the lyrics of which are.....
"One beautiful day, we will see
Arising a strand of smoke
Over the far horizon on the sea
And then the ship appears
And then the ship is white
It enters into the port....
A man, a little speck
Climbing the hill.
Who is it?
And as he arrives
What will he say?
He will call,
"Little one, dear wife
Blossom of orange"
The names he called me at his last coming.
All this will happen,
I promise you this
Hold back your fears -
I with secure faith wait for him."
If you want a listen, here it is on youtube
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