First, some views of the endless Indian Ocean.
Captain Edvardsen said he had never known the Indian Ocean to be this calm. It was glorious.
This was our last sight of land for several days--about 10 miles off the north coast of Madagascar.
The sound of the ship as she goes along is one of my favorite sounds in the world. Add to that the color and clarity of the water, and I was entranced.
I love the lace patterns the foam makes.
Sunsets aren't bad either!!
My senior waiter Guiseppe and I had a lot of silly fun at dinner on sea days. Here is how my dessert was presented...
Yes, I used them!!

Every year, Crystal Cruises hosts "The World Cruise Games" on one leg of the World Cruise. There are dozens and dozens of games in which to participate--from bridge and sudoku to paddle tennis, team walking, lap swimming, to trivia and photography. I entered the last two competitions.
My trivia team- we were a group of 8.
The competition day came with "security"!
And we won the bronze medal!!
My photo of the Sunrise at Londolozi
(Valentines Day on EP 365) won the Silver medal!!
Our medals were presented by REAL American Olympians, Sammy Lee and Janet Evans
Some of the crowd before the medal ceremony
On the last day of the Games, we had a closing ceremony complete with the "torch" being extinguished...
My "hardware"!!
More food!! Probably the best dessert I have ever had...a chocolate dipped coconut macaroon halved and filled with creamy chocolate mousse.
The chefs shine at the Grand Gala Buffet...which we call in the family the Chum Fest. I always look forward to seeing my egg penguins! Too cute!
More sea days coming right up!!
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