We passed a hatchery...can you guess what kind?
We stopped for lunch at a country home where a delicious dinner of lamb, chicken and side dishes had been prepared, complete with Pavlova for dessert!
I remembered these as Cabbage Palms that I had seen with my new Maori friends on the voluntourism excursion.
Mama and Suzanne, both avid gardeners, really enjoyed looking around.
The garden reminded me of my friend Ivy in England...she loves to post photos of her little garden patch.
Happily fed, we headed off toward Burkes Pass. As an inland flatlander, I love ANY scenery that involves water or mountains!
(probably why I love Norway...I get both at once!!)
We were getting into "Lord of the Rings" country.
The higher you go toward the pass, the drier and browner the scenery becomes.
There is a series of lakes and dams throughout the McKenzie Basin which provides power for the south island. We stopped briefly on the shores of Lake Tekapo at the Church of the Good Shepherd.
Linda posed....
And then it was off to Mount Cook.
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