Just about two hours later, we were in Bristol and meeting up with AJ's godfather, Andy. (Also an AJ--Andrew James. He calls himself "AJ1" and his godson "AJ2". )
We tossed our bags at the Mercure Holland House and headed to Andy's house for a delicious lunch...and a new discovery--Pear Cider!
This is the walkway outside Andy and John's home--isn't it brilliant?
Andy is a terrific tour guide... and Bristol is a lovely city!
The SS Great Britain...we'll see more of her later!
The Bristol suspension bridge--another of the amazing engineering feats of Isambard Kingdom Brunel.
I became absolutely fascinated with this guy's story...and his designs and engineering feats. I could fill a book-well, several already have. So we'll just admire his works.
But first, more pear cider.
Some great Bristol artwork.
And on to Bristol Cathedral.
I've been a fan of fan vaulting (moan.....) ever since an art history paper in college.
One of the old city gates. I THINK this is the one built in the 14th century. (Andy, correct me if I am wrong!!!)
Bristol has some of the coolest bridges EVER! This is Pero's Bridge- those are counterweights for the drawbridge!
We walked, we laughed, we rode the on-off bus...it was a grand day!
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