I am in the middle of getting photos matted--I am going to have a booth at the International Kaolin Festival!!!! I figured that if I sell 6 prints, I will break even...so what the heck? And so, right now, the dining room has become a workroom.
Wish me luck.
I show any sort of success at all, I might open up an online store.
We will see. BABYSTEPS.
Yesterday was a total blur. I took the kids to see "Wicked" at the Fox Theatre in Atlanta.

I've been wanting to take them to see it ever since I saw it in New York...and that was 2005, I think! It was just as awesome "on the road".

I bought the tickets in April!

Alix, Wesley and Sharon, Anna-Grace's mom, hopped in the car and went up to Atlanta where AJ and Anna-Grace fixed a yummy brunch and we got to meet Molly the Beagle!!!
Could this tiny little thing be any darn cuter????
More photos to follow...maybe.
Why do I say "maybe"? Well, because today is the beginning of Homecoming 2011 at Brentwood School. While it culminates with the Homecoming Football Game (and Homecoming Court presentation, including the lovely Alix!!) on Friday, it begins with Homely Coming and the PowderPuff Football Game on Monday.
You might remember when AJ participated in HomelyComing....
I was so proud.
This year, the Senior Girls are playing the Senior Moms.
I might not live to see another sunrise.
I am playing center on offense, and outside linebacker on defense. "Playing" really is the appropriate word here. Before we had a coach (oh, yes, we have had all of 3 practices, one of which I missed....), we had a team trainer, team chaplain, and two team doctors. I have requested the doctors stand by on the sidelines with the cardiac paddles in case I need reviving.
At least it's flag football, not tackle. But still.
Pray for me.
I wonder if vodka mixes well with gatorade? I am going to need some anesthesia....anesthetic.....anti-inflammatory...
Something to get me through tonight.
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