When we were in Venice the summer of 2007 (just before I started writing this blog), the ex (who wasn't ex at the time) took the kids on a gondola ride whilst I scrounged around the airport luggage rooms in search of our baggage. But that's a memory I'd just as soon not recount.
After dinner, a poll was taken, and Will, Hutch, Alix and the Hancock crew decided to joined me for a nighttime ride through the canals of Venice.

I didn't want to use my flash, so some of the photos aren't terrific...but the trip was!!!

Our gondolier was....very....gondolier-like. Wonderful.

Hancocks in one boat, the rest of us in the other.

I think Lex liked it.

The grand canal at dusk is really magical, with all the lights reflecting in the water.

We had an "awwwwww" moment. This couple just--I mean JUST- got engaged.

The fellow smiling and looking at the camera is the singer. He seranaded ALL of us. His accompanist has his back to us. Charming moment--what fun to share in it! Things like this can only happen in Venice.......
Our gondolier convinced Emerson that she needed to become a gondoliera.

Fun fact to know: there are 496 gondoliers licensed in Venice....and only one gondoliera. Make that two.
Then it was Hutch's turn.

He's getting the hang of it.


I think he may have a future career!!!!!
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Based on what I have read on a website, Gondolas are handmade using 8 different types of wood (fir, oak, cherry, walnut, elm, mahogany, larch and lime) and are composed of 280 pieces. The oars are made of beech wood. The left side of the gondola is made longer than the right side. This asymmetry causes the gondola to resist the tendency to turn toward the left at the forward stroke. It is a common misconception that the gondola is a paddled vessel when the correct term is rowed i.e. "I rowed my gondola to work".
Extensive measures have been taken to protect the Cenacolo fresco from further damage. To ensure that the fresco is kept at room temperature, admission has been restricted to a maximum of 25 visitors at any one time since the 1999 reopening.
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Hello! I will be looking forward to visit your page again and for your other posts as well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about Venice Gondola ride. I am glad to stop by your site and know more about Venice Gondola ride. Keep it up! This is a good read. You have such an interesting and informative page.
In relation with Literature, the Japanese manga Aria follows a young woman named Akari as she trains as an apprentice gondolier in Neo-Venezia, a city on a terraformed Mars based on Venice.
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venice gondola ride
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