Jane had investigated the situation, and had a most delightful restaurant ready for us...Ristorante da Raffaele.

After lunch, we headed to Piazza San Marco.

(You know there's one showoff in every bunch).
If there's one thing our family must do in St. Mark's Square....

(Thank you Alix, for taking over camera duties whilst I made a total fool of myself...yet again!)

Move over Tippi Hedren!!! It's time for my closeup!!

Julia enjoyed a pigeon perched on her head.

Looks like a fancy English hat!

Modern day pirate with a parrot?
Celie tried the bird chapeau look on as well!

It's all become quite natural.

Yep, we're in Venice, folks!

Geez, these darn Hutchinsons......what a weird flock.

And a little lion taming!

1 comment:
Oh, Tippi, you look so happy! All of you do, and not just in the "smile for the camera, dammit" way. Hope your whole trip is just as wonderful.
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