-Dictated by Me to my wonderful assistant Siri, on the road from Shreveport, LA to Tennille, GA on Monday, November 19, 2012
And that is as far as I got. Which seems to be the story of my life right now. This is a LOT of what my view has been....

Have you noticed that this blog, which started out four years ago as a way of keeping track of my knitting with my knitting friends, and keeping my brothers in Louisiana updated with my kids, has turned into a once-a-month panic attack of catch-ups? Well, for that, dear reader (whomever you are, if you are out there), I promise to be better. Truly.
See? I finally finished and blocked something.

Elizabeth Zimmermann's Half-Pi shawl. Technically, the EZ 100th Anniversary Hearts Half Circle. I finished it in February (YES, February.....I hear my fellow knitters groaning......) but hadn't gotten around to blocking it until now. And lace, as a knitter knows, is never finished until it's blocked. Quel dommage.
This moving thing--being betwixted two households 12 hours apart is a bit crazy-making (to say the least). But you are already crazy, Elizabeth--you say. Ok, more crazy than normal. I can no longer remember what is where. Turned the house upside down looking for a pair of pants the other day, only to remember they are in Louisiana. I've taken to photographing closets so I remember not to panic when I can't find something. That's what I have come to, folks. My photography now consists of photographing the interior of clothes closets.......
But now, I am in Georgia until the first of the new year...or that's the plan for the next 48 hours. It could change.
And the sink disposal is broken, the heater in the back part of the house isn't heating, the cable is wonky, and I need to have some rotten boards on the eaves repaired.............
When I am Shreveport, I am kept busy during the days hanging out with one of the kindest and dearest people on the planet...Stacy Anderson Mijalis. She now owns the Needlepoint Shoppe in Shreveport, and working with her is like a dream come true. She's given me several design jobs so far, and has promised more once I get permanently back to Louisiana. And teaching gigs. And all around fun projects. She has made the shop a warm and inviting space to come and play...

...on any given afternoon, there are between 3 and 5 ladies sitting around her big mahogany table, stitching and....yes...bitching. By brother Ed calls it The Clubhouse.
We have some pretty amazing stitchers in Shreveport...and pretty amazing finishers too. The clever Suzanne took an old canvas and a new canvas, and came up with an adorable Christmas card holder for a customer.

Doesn't it make you want one yourself???
And Stacy and I had some fun with Cissy--she's been waiting for over a year for these shoes to be finished (the first pair got lost in the mail...) and they FINALLY arrived at the shop.

Amazing and adorable, aren't they??? Well, Stacy and I couldn't help ourselves...we hung them out on the front door for Cissy to see.....

(Mischief personified)...and her reaction on seeing them was too wonderful for words!

So, life....though crazy at the moment..... is good. Very Very GOOD!!!!!
Dearest Lady E,
So great reading another panic-attack-once-monthly-blog-update.
Don't you dare wait another 30 days before the next panic-attack-once-monthly-blog-update!
…and hugs for still being a dear friend with the likes of us who had absolutely no idea what blocked lace is!!!!!
(I’ve now googled it! :-) )
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