Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hummingbird Wars

We're having a battle royal here at Maison Cou Rouge, and it involves feathers and sugar.

Every year about this time, the hummingbirds discover that we have feeders on the patio. Why they wait until August, is unknown to me, as we put the feeders out every April, constantly refilling them when they turn cloudy all spring and early summer. I don't claim to understand hummingbird logic.

It goes like this. One male hummum (family-speak for "hummingbird") arrives. Figures out which of the 4 feeders is his favorite, and makes it his own.

Few days later, a few more show up. They attempt to have a quick one for the road, only to be dive-bombed by hummum #1. The newest birds fly off.

They must go back to the hummum 'hood and bring back some of their hummum homies, because the next day, we are innundated by hummingbirds, a few chasing #1 around while the others slurp up the sugar water.

Suddenly every bird is dive bombing every other bird, jealously defending his (or her?) turf.

They chatter and hum, and become totally unafraid of the two-legged homo sapien-types that are all but rolling on the bricks laughing at their antics.

If it weren't so hot, we'd sit watching for hours . They're hilarious.

Walking into the house almost becomes problematic, timing it so we don't turn into a game of human v. hummum dodgeball.

Hummingbird wars. It's passes for entertainment out here in the Middle-of-Nowhere.

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