Rain was on and off again. But that doesn't deter you. Ponchos are always ready.
Rhinos. Gotta find a rhino. Must. Find. Rhino.
"My" fish eagle is still there.
Wildebeest on the landing strip.
Our plane will be arriving in less than 4 hours. Where are you rhinos??
Raindrops splatter the lens of my camera.
The fast food of Londolozi remind me of pulling into the drive-thru of McDonald's on a rainy day. Makes me giggle.
No rhinos, though.
Everyone wants breakfast.
Foster has good eyes, and shows me the biggest snail I've ever seen.
Escargot, anyone? (where is the Captain?? He LOVES escargot!)
Turtle..no rhino.
I was impressed by one crane drying its wings....
Until we saw a whole TREEFUL!
But STILL no rhinoceros.
My apologies to Jan-Olav (who doesn't "do" spiders)....
Which, impressive in and of itself, still is no rhino. I am thinking of Ed's comment "I didn't come all the way to Africa to see a white frog"..... and with time running out...
Foster rounds a bend, and
I must admit that tears welled up in my eyes.
I had "found" all the "Big Five" of Africa.
Then I noticed how incredible SILLY rhinos actually look.
Proof yet again that God has a tremendous sense of humor.
But I wouldn't laugh at one head on.
All too soon, it was time to head back to camp.
But not without a few photos, first.
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