Friday, November 4, 2011

Fall at Maison Cou Rouge

Well----- I am sure that if it weren't for my Project EP366, you would have thought I had dropped off the planet. We've had a LOT going on 'round these parts. Such is our busy life in Middle-Of-Nowhere.

What have we been up to, you ask? Well....

Back toward the end of September, I took the gang to see Wicked in Atlanta at the Fox Theatre. Alix, Wesley, Sharon (Anna-Grace's mom), and I drove up Sunday morning and had brunch at AJ and Anna-Grace's (or GJ's as I have started calling it...)

We played with puppy Molly.

Isn't she the sweetest, tiniest little thing?

Properly attired, I might add....

Wicked was FABULOUS!!!

Just as terrific as it was on Broadway!

Then back to the apartment for a little more cuddle time with Molly.

Next on the highlight film was Spirit Week at Brentwood. Starting off the week was Homely Coming and PowderPuff football. I don't have any photos of HomelyComing because I WAS PLAYING FOOTBALL!!!! It was Senior Moms (and teachers) versus Senior Girls...and while the Moms were defeated by a touchdown, it was fun!!!!

Warming up--the Moms needed more stretching than the girls did!

Please note the silk rose in my hair...a very festive touch, don'tcha think??

The name on the back of my shirt, appropriately, was "Tsarina"...which announcer Danny Brown could NEVER pronounce correctly!!!

Afterward, all opponents were on friendly terms again.....we even went for Mexican!!!

I said that week was a busy one....The day after the Powderpuff Game, my friend, amazing eye doctor Kreslyn Odum Brook's hosted a "Touch the Crown" tea party, where girls of all ages had the chance to meet 2011 Miss Georgia Michaela Grace Lackey and Miss Georgia's Outstanding Teen, Julia Martin.

Michaela really let everyone touch her crown!

There were crowns and beads, facepainting and delicious nibbles!

And Joel loved getting a hug from Miss Georgia.

And we were only on Tuesday!!! More of Spirit Week to come!!!

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