Countries of the World was the day's theme, and of course the Seniors chose the USA!
Graham and Caroline, as class spirit leaders, were Uncle Sam and the Statue of Liberty.
Friday night was the actual Homecoming game, and the Senior girls made up the homecoming court.
Alix and Sarah- looking much different from Cross Country meet days!
Suzanna, Taylar, Emmaline and Caroline- looking so grownup!
Alix and Cassie sharing some boiled peanuts before halftime!
Sometimes, even ballroom dance shoes hurt your feet...after all, they are made for dance floors, not concrete stadiums!
Everyone was delighted with the upper school's selection of Carson McDavid as Homecoming Queen.
Surprised and radiant--she looked AMAZING!!!
Alix was glad it was over and ready to change to get comfortable.
After that week's goings-on..we had a quiet weekend and then--MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
When you are as old as I, you don't celebrate birthdays the way you did when you were 5, or 16, or 21. Maybe we all should.
The Brown House timed the opening of the annual Art Show perfectly, so Alix, Wesley and I attended.
In addition, the new room devoted to the Old City Cemetery was formally opened, and three of my photographs were selected for the exhibit.
Here's a look at my work (with the green matting) before identifying labels were added....
Next year, I'm hoping to have some artwork ready for the Festival exhibit as well.
The Tennille Agricultural Fair was in town.
I love a fair....actually, I love fair food the most, but I do love a fair!
What's an agricultural fair without agricultural contests?
Hooray Emmaline!
Newly hatched chicks under the warming light.
As a knitter, you know I love an alpaca!
Mr. Tom Turkey looked appropriately regal.
But Miss Turkey was not at ALL pleased with my photography. She pecked at my lens!
I really hate riding ferris wheels, but love to photograph them.
Our little Tennille Fair has something for everyone.
You may NOT have a bunny!
And then there was the actual Kaolin Festival itself. I don't have any photographs of the parade, because while the parade was going on, I was at my booth.
I did sell some photos, but not as many as I would have liked. The reason, I think, is that it wasn't exactly my target market...
But I am not discouraged in the least!
Anna-Grace and AJ came down, and I got to see my Grandog-ter!
And had one of my favorite fair foods.
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