Monday, June 4, 2012

2012 Holiday in Dixie Parade

Now that the pagentry and pomp of the Cotillion Ball was was time to ward off the hangover by continuing to drink recover, regroup and continue to party.

The Holiday in Dixie Parade is a big deal. Marching bands, floats, horses, Shriners in mini-cars- the whole dog and pony show.  I took a GAZILLION photos, but here are my favorites.

AJ on his float.

Chatting up a pretty girl.


Nope, no fun here at all.

Oh this brings back such memories of MY Cotillion parade...

Mary Cecile was on the Ambassador's float...and enjoyed tossing beads.

A Southern parade ain't a Southern parade without a twirler with a flaming baton.

I absolutely lost it when I saw this.

Cissie Smith, next year's ball chairman, donned festive headdress for the parade.

Marching Bands!

And one dancin' fool !!!!!

I know you have to catch your breath after those last ones, so I will give you a break.....

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