April was a busy, BUSY month for the denizens of Maison Cou Rouge. Let's begin by looking at the first weeks of April...
Because we live so close to Augusta (one hour away), Spring Break always occurs at the same time as The Masters Golf Tournament. The tournament wants as many local people out of town and off the road (including school buses). Spring Break saw Alix and "the girls" loading up the car for a day trip to the beach--Tybee Island, to be specific.

The car looked like they were planning on spending a few days, not a few hours.

Courtney (our local golf phenom) was ready to be off the links and into the sand.

And Alix was ready for the sun!

And then it was EASTER.
Molly loves exploring the patio.
The kids had requested an Easter Egg Hunt. Now how do you have an Easter Egg Hunt for an adult crowd?
Lord Buddha giggled.
It was tremendous fun. Susanne and I "hid" the eggs- which meant furiously tossing 60 vodka or rum-laced jello filled eggs around the patio, adding another 60 eggs filled with candy into the yard, and yelling "Go". The rule was you had to consume the jello eggs immediately. There are no photos because I was consuming jello shots. Domage.
Easter Sunday morning, my children (the 4 of them!) presented me with my first Easter basket in 40 years.

I cried.
Molly was interested in my chick.

Then, while "the Heathens" stayed home eating jelly beans, Wesley returned to Milledgeville to go to church with his family, and Anna-Grace and AJ got dolled up for church and lunch with hers.

Happy Easter Beagle.

I was tickled pink (or purple!) to notice that the tiny lilac I planted 7 years ago has FINALLY gotten big enough to bloom.

So it was a lovely start to the month....with lots more in store!
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