Friday, January 12, 2018

Bah Hawbah

Dropping anchor in the good ol' USA caused me to blink my eyes a few times.  Where was I?  Haven't I been waaayyy up North?  Where did the past 4 weeks go?  I have CNN back on the television???

Bar Harbor (yes, I know how to spell it, peeps), was, and is, it's lovely old self.  I think it's a charming, if touristy, little place.

Lobstahman checking his traps...

Flowers.  GLORIOUS flowers.  Oh how I have missed thee.

This would be fun!

Makes me reflect on the places I've seen the past four weeks.

You simply can NOT go to New England in the summer and NOT get a lobster roll!

The Beautiful Inn.

Paging Tippi Hedren!!!

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