Wednesday, February 14, 2018

A Bit of France in the South Pacific

Noumea, New Caledonia is a teeny tiny slice of France in the great big Pacific.
The smell from the bakeries alone are enough to make you want to stay forever- never mind the beauty of the island.  The reef here is second only to the Great Barrier Reef in size...and two years ago, brother Will and I snorkeled off Duck Island.  So this trip, I hopped on the Tchou Tchou Train for a ride around.

Noumea has a population of 100,000- and has an equal number of visitors each year.
Almost every household owns a boat.

Bay of Lemon Trees (sounds so much better en français- la Baie des Citrons)- L'Île aux Canards in the distance.

Le Roof is THE place to be at sunset, we were told.

Aren't these windswept pines wonderful?

Our cute little open-aired train - up to the top to see the lagoons and beaches that surround this glorious island. There is also a rather large mountain range that traverses Grande Terre.

Le Tricolor flies, even if France proper is 20,000 kilometers away.

My home in the distance...

While waiting for a roof to be replaced, locals have decorated an abandoned  building with pretty amazing designs.

I could DEFINITELY come back for a longer visit!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Truly surreal - immensely beautiful place.

Ohhhhh... I want to go world-cruising again. Even if just one more time!