Sunday, February 25, 2018

Around Sydney

We arrived in Sydney a full 8  hours ahead of schedule thanks to some inclement weather.

(That would be massive Cyclone Gita that tore up Tonga.  Swells from the storm prevented us from visiting Norfolk Island, so we made a direct course for Sydney).

The fact that Carnival owns the dock in Sydney and so those big ships get first preference  Docking logisitics prevented us from docking more than one day in Sydney, so for days two and three, we would be tendering in.  But whilst alongside the quay, it was just fine, thankyouverymuch.

Friend Ada and I had planned to try the hop-on-hop-off bus for 2 days, exploring the harbor and environs....but we ended up with a little retail therapy and a boat ride to Manly Beach for lunch.
It was Chinese New Year and the harbor was tarted up appropriately.

Baby New Year on the Chinese Dragon's flames...

Lounging Tiger, Hidden Ferries...

I FINALLY broke down and spent the bucks for a Helen Kaminski hat...something I've always wanted.
(It's rollable, it's packable, it's handmade of raffia, it's darn cute to boot- and DAMMIT, it's MY money and I WANTED it--but it's still a HELLUVA lotta money for a hat)

Ada and Elisabeth-with-an-S (to distinguish her from moi- who is referred to as Elizabeth-with-a-Zed because I'm hanging with Canadians and Danes) also purchased hats, so I must get a pic of all of us avec chapeaux soon.

I also conned  talked into  helped Elisabeth purchase an Apple Watch.

Ada is waiting to buy one in Toronto because she wants the cellular capabilities....Maybe we should just plan on buying everything in threes- might get a discount.  These two are MIGHTY shoppers- I am almost dreading the peer pressure of shopping in Hong Kong.......

( I know Anna-Grace and Alix are asking "Shopping??? Who is writing this  and what have you done with my mom/mother-in-law?")

Small regattas in the decidedly breezy afternoon.

Evidently, Sydney Harbor is THE place for Asians to have their wedding photos made.

I just pinch myself because I am here!!

Up next--the big Crystal White Gala and a very special sailaway!

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